Monday, August 26, 2013

Kansas City Circuit Riders

For a week me and my two amazing friends all flew to Kansas City Missouri to IHOP (International House of Prayer) for a revivalist training put on by Circuit Riders. What Circuit Riders is based upon is one man, John Wesley in 1703 who went on horseback telling all in America about the love of Jesus! He traveled over 250,000 miles to tell about the Good News! From John another was brought to this Francis Asbury who brought a handful of selfless men going out to tell about the Gospel. Since July 2011 this school was birthed to train up men and women who would give their lives to tell the ends of the earth about the simple Gospel of Jesus.

We had amazing teaching from Brian Brennt, Andy Byrd, Lou Engle and while bring there at IHOP we were so blessed to have teaching from Mike Bickle and Benjamin Nolot! Each person really shared their hearts for what God was doing in America and the nations, what God was saying over this generation, how to share the Gospel from love, and loving God above all.

From this one week the biggest way Jesus changed my heart was the passion I have now more than ever for people who don't know the Truth of Jesus and His love for them and the free gift of life He gives to us. No matter how many times I get rejected from someone who doesn't want to hear about Jesus, there may just be one who will be forever changed.That first and foremost I cannot be ready to do this unless everyday I am fueled with Jesus' love flowing through me and my relationship with Him being the most important.
Matthew 22:36-39
"You shall love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

I know that throughout history and today there have been many who say they follow Jesus and have completely disrespected people and tearing down others. Many have distorted the view of Jesus and what His heart is for. Through that, many don't know who Jesus really is and His true love and heart on things. That He desires that every single human being would know His love for them and that dying on the cross was joyful to Him because He could have relationship with all of us forever if we believe and confess in Jesus! That each one of us mean the world to Him and He is fighting and pursuing our hearts for us to search and know Him more.

We had great teaching from Andy Byrd of simple obedience to Our Father and that the small things really do make the biggest impact.
Matthew 6:6b
"Pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
That if we want peace to understand God and His ways than we have to give up the understanding of His ways sometimes.
Isaiah 55:8
"For my (God) thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord."
Some times we have to be like David, that all the complexities of God who created the Heavens and the
Earth David knew it was too much for his knowledge and he just worshiped and loved God for who He was and all that David already knew!
Psalm 139:5-6
"You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it."
David was a man after God's own heart.

Whatever your life looks like, that the call on your life is the deep rest with The Lord and your intimate relationship with Him. Rest equals trust. We trust Him when we rest with Him.

Revival in America is happening! Those who know that earthly things do not fulfill them and those who are searching for the Truth are wanting and asking to accept Jesus into their lives! God is using on fire zealous YOUNG people to go out and tell about His love that changed their own hearts and the walls in hearts of others are breaking down! We are going out in love and connecting with people with where their lives are at now and where a lot of us have also been. We tell them about what Jesus did in our hearts and lives and the [Freedom] of being saved and what we are saved from! We are going out to where Jesus called us to go and trying to be as loving as Jesus would be.
Mark 2:15-17
"And as he (Jesus) reclines at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him.  And the scribes of the Pharisees, and when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, said to the disciples, "why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?" And when Jesus heard it, he said to them "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

God isn't intimated by sin or people who choose to sin, He loves them! He wants to use us to present Him to them and tell them the Truth of the [Simple] Gospel.

When I went on the street to tell people about Jesus I got to talk with 4 people. None of them wanted to accept Jesus but I have great joy first in obeying Jesus, second in being able to pray and talk with them to continue to know of Jesus' love for them. I went out with one girl and one guy and we first went into this restaurant and talked with the hostess there for quite awhile. She told us her story and we were able to cry and pray with her. We got to speak about the love that she is loved with and that God is fighting after her heart and life. She appreciated us coming and talking with her!
After that I saw this restaurant called "Melting Pot" and I remember when me and my roommates where praying for one of our friends to know Jesus, I tried to pray "God please turn their heart from stone to flesh" for that is the greatest miracle is when a hardened heart softens, but it came out of my mouth as "God please turn their heart from stone to a 'melting pot' of flesh." My roommates made fun of me for that as I also thought it was funny, but I didn't know there was a restaurant that was called 'Melting Pot' so it was a clear sign for me to go in. Before though we prayed to see who we should talk to and when we do this God sometimes will give us pictures of things or words in our mind so that we can be lead by the Spirit. This is called treasure hunting and is exciting when you get a picture from God and it actually happens! So I got a picture of a girl with blonde hair and the other guy I was with also got blonde hair. When we went downstairs we see in the front two girls with blonde hair! God was speaking to us! So we start to talk to them and tell them about Jesus and both already knew and believed in Him so we just encouraged them. We also asked God what He wanted to say to them, what He loved about them and who He created them to be. I love doing this because it really builds people up, encourages them and in those moments God really speaks through me and I love getting to focus solely on others! In 1 Corinthians Paul tells us to earnestly desire to prophesy and so I earnestly desire and ask for that and what other way to believe that we have it than to start walking out and doing it for others. Plus I feel reliant on God, so joyful and fulfilled when I do it.
After that a girl walked in and I went over to her and asked her about her tattoo which she tells me is a Buddhist symbol. So I told her that I believe in Jesus and just wanted to share with her what I felt God wanted to say and she accepted my request and was very polite! I told her that Jesus wanted to show her His love for her and shared about the Gospel. She said thank you very much and I left after that, it was wonderful!

When we left to go back to our dorm my friends and I were so filled with joy and excitement over what God had done through us and being able to share about Him with these people. Sometimes it is scary when we go out and do this but we really have nothing to be afraid of. Let us be like Paul,
Philippians 3:7-8
"For whatever gain I had I count it as loss for the sake of Christ, count everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

If we already believe in God then we are called to love others and there is nothing more loving than telling people who don't know about Jesus who He is, what He did for them and what they are saved from when they believe in Him. We should not worry about what others think, say or do because Jesus was misunderstood, denied, rejected and killed when He shared about who He was and the Truth about believing in Him.
Mark 16:15"Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." 

Me, Juanita, Ansley (my two friends who came with me) Tyler (our new friend we met there)
IHOP Kansas City, MO

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